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Past Events

Lard Buurman workshop 工作坊

People as Infrastructure, or the human posture in the built environment

A recurring theme in Lard Buurman’s photography is urban public space. This space is not only defined by buildings, architecture and infrastructure, but above all by the people who inhabit this space. He is interested first of all in these people; in their use of the city; in the functioning of public space; and in the (co-)habitation in an urban landscape.

The workshop by Lard Buurman during the BJDW2016, at the central square of Baitasi, will start with a short introduction of the history of street photography, linked to his research that has lead him to his own visual idiom. In his own words:

‘In my photographs I do not so much want to record the reality of the moment, but rather the everyday reality of the place. By combining images out of multiple ‘documentary’ photographs, a hybrid form -between documentary and staged photography- comes into existence. At the same time I play with the possibility of a crossing with cinematography

After the introduction the workshop continues on the streets of Baitasi to capture the area with a focus on the human posture, and ‘people as infrastructure’.

In the afternoon we will discuss the results together and print out a selection for a small group-show on the central square.


城市公共空间是 Lard Buurman 的摄影里反复出现的主题。这个空间不仅是由建筑、建筑学和基础设施定义的,而且最重要的是居住在空间里的人。他最先是对这些人感兴趣,人们使用城市的方式、公共空间的功能、一个城市景观里的(共同)住所。

Lard Buurman 2016 年北京设计周期间的工作坊,将在白塔寺的中央广场,由一个简短的街头摄影历史介绍开始,联接到使他形成自我视觉语言的研究。用他自己的话说:

“ 在我的相片里我并不太想记录当下的现实,而更偏向于日常现实的地点。由图像结合成的多个 “纪录类” 照相片,一种合成形式-间于纪录摄影和摆拍-得以形成。同时我也琢磨着与影像摄制交叉的可能性。”

工作坊介绍之后,继续在白塔寺的街道上以专注于人体姿态和 “作为基础设施的人” 去捕捉那块区域。下午我们将一起讨论成果,并选一些打印出来在中央广场进行小型群展。

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