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Nicola Saladino

Nicola Saladino

partner of reMIX studio MA Landscape Urbanism (AA) MArch (ETSA Barcelona)

Nicola Saladino graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona and in 2010 he obtained his Master degree with distinction from the Landscape Urbanism program at the Architectural Association in London. He has carried out several workshops on urban design in the Architectural Association and has been invited to numerous international universities such as MIT, Veritas (Costa Rica), Hong Kong University and Tsinghua University, where he was involved in the Landscape Urbanism program. He taught parametric urban design at Beijing LCD and introduction to spatial design in the International Foundation Course at Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts. As a practitioner he worked in several offices in Barcelona, London and Beijing on urban design and architecture, including Plasma Studio and Groundlab, before founding Beijing-based reMIX studio in 2012. 尼古拉毕业于巴塞罗那理工学校建筑系,后赴伦敦建筑联盟学院(AA)景观城市学专业学习,并于2010年获得优秀研究生毕业设计荣誉。尼古拉在建筑联盟学院领导了多个城市设计工作坊的教学,并应邀在包括麻省理工学院(MIT)、Veritas大学(哥斯达黎加)、香港大学和清华大学在内的全球范围内多所学校教授景观城市学专业的设计课。此外,他曾于北京LCD任教并开展参数化城市设计的研究,并曾于中央美院国际预科班开展空间设计学科的教学。2012年,尼古拉于北京成立临界工作室(reMIXstudio)。此前,他曾在巴塞罗那、伦敦、北京,包括Plasma Studio和Groundlab在内的多个建筑事务所进行建筑与城市设计实践。

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